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Increase of scholarships for students from Kyrgyzstan to study in Korea discussed at Education Ministry



June 1, 2021, 9:32       Источник       Комментарии

AKIPRESS.COM - Minister of Education and Science Bolotbek Kupeshev met with Director of Korean Education Center in Bishkek Dae Gwan Kim to discuss prospects of cooperation in education and science between Kyrgyzstan and Korea.
Education Minister Bolotbek Kupeshev raised the issue of Korean scholarship programs, possible increase of quotas for citizens of Kyrgyzstan in information technologies, technology programs.
Dae Gwan Kim expressed interest of the Ministry of Education of Korea in organization of visit of delegation of the Ministry of Education and Science of Kyrgyzstan to Korea in around October 2021.
Korean language is taught at 65 educational institutions in Kyrgyzstan, 45 of them are in Bishkek. The training programs developed by the Korean Education Center endorsed by the Academic Board of the Kyrgyz Academy of Education are used in teaching Korean language.
The government of Korea provides education grants for students from Kyrgyzstan to study in Korea. Applications are received and selected by the Embassy of Korea with assistance of the Korean Education Center.

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