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MP opposes giving money to General Prosecutor's Office to repair office, says it's better to pay off foreign debts



May 24, 2021, 14:50       Источник       Комментарии

AKIPRESS.COM - MP Burun Amanova proposed to pay off the country's foreign debt in the first place rather than spending the budget money to repair administrative buildings. MPs approved the Cabinet's decision dated May 14, 2021 to allocate 90 million soms to the Prosecutor General's Office for the construction of administrative and service housing, and conduct major repairs.
Amanova opposed thing spending. "We are transferring 71.8 million soms to pay the debt and want to give 90 million soms for the prosecutor's office building. Probably, the building is not completely destroyed and can still be exploited. I think that such things can wait," she said.
Spokesman for the Prosecutor General's Office said in response that their staff has grown by 145 investigators, and they need salaries and travel expenses covered. "The investigators they are investigating Kumtor and Batken. They have business trips. A lot of funds are required. We're asking for that. In addition to buildings, there are also such expenses. These are important expenditures," said a representative of the Prosecutor General's Office.
Amanova noted that they are considering funds for construction of administrative buildings, service housing and major repairs.
The representative of the General Prosecutor's Office repeated that there are other expenses, too, not just buildings.

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