March 4, 2021, 15:41
AKIPRESS.COM - Trainings were held in Bishkek and Osh on February 19 and 26 respectively as part of Active Citizen Project.
The seminar in Bishkek was held for journalists from Naryn, Issyk-Kul, Chui regions and Bishkek.
The opening of the seminar was atteneded by Advisor for Private Sector Development at the Biritsh Embassy in Bishkek Philip Vernon and Advisor for Trade and Investments Mirgul Umetalieva.
UK always stands for free and strong media, whi?h are important component for development and support of fair, open and inclusive society. Free media give right of vote to everyone in the society so that citizens at all levels in any part of the country could draw attention of the state to relevant problems in everyday life of citizens. If these important issues are heard and actions are taken at each level, life will become better. This is especially true for local government, which is integrate part of democratic system, Philip Vernon said.
Active Citizen is an important project. Reporting about some problems through the platform of the project, people have opportunity to make an effective and significant contribution into development of local self-government in Kyrgyzstan, he added.
Journalists received training on civil journalist, work with population, legal standards, social media administration for promotion of of important themes.
The second stage of the seminar was held in Osh for journalists from Batken, Osh and Jalal-Abad regions, Osh.
The Active Citizen Project is aimed to improve effectiveness of delivery of services by local government bodies in Kyrgyzstan through an active participation of citizens in use of Internet platform for communication of problems. The project started in January 2021 with financial support of the British Embassy in Bishkek and will last 3 months.