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Central Asia’s Largest Library Located in Tajikistan


Фотографии: kabar.kg

April 11, 2019, 22:55       Источник kabar.kg       Комментарии

The largest library in Central Asia is located in Tajikistan with a total area of 45,000 square meters.
The nine-story building is designed as an open book with sculptures of well-known Tajik scientists and authors installed at the building’s central entrance.
There are a total of 28 book depositories containing 10 million books in the library. It stores six million printed copies as well as 100,000 digital versions of various books.
There are digital copies of about half a million of research works in the library as well.
The library offers 25 reading rooms with the capacity of 1,500 people. One of the departments is designed for visually impaired and is equipped with special equipment to help them read.
The collection of foreign literature includes 90,000 books in 42 languages. There are also rare and unique books as well as ancient manuscripts kept at the library.
Chief specialist of the national library, Sayora Karimova said that the library’s oldest book is Tarikh al-Tabari while the largest one is the book about Prophet Muhammad, which weighs 7.5 kilograms.
"There is also a 700-year-old Quran with gold inscription, weighing at 1.6 grams. We also have an agreement printed on genuine leather which was discovered in Hisor fortress in the 12th century," she said.

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