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Education Ministry of Kyrgyzstan announces dates of school-leaving exams


Фотографии: 24.kg

April 12, 2019, 14:29       Источник 24.kg       Комментарии

The final state examination of students will begin at schools of the republic on June 3. The Ministry of Education informed 24.kg news agency.
Exams for students of the 9th grades in five subjects (four compulsory and one at choice) will be held from June 3 to June 18.
Students will take a comprehensive written test in algebra, in the language of instruction (Kyrgyz, Russian, Uzbek and Tajik) - synopsis with elements of essay, in the history of Kyrgyzstan - oral exam, and in Kyrgyz language (for schools with Russian, Uzbek and Tajik languages ​​of instruction) or Russian language (for schools with Kyrgyz language of instruction) - a comprehensive written test that includes check of the functional grammar and vocabulary, reading and understanding of the text.
Schoolchildren can choose a subject from the following disciplines: literature, geometry, physics, chemistry, biology, geography, a foreign language studied in the framework of the basic curriculum, man and society / introduction to economics, computer science.
Examinations for students of 11th grades will begin on June 3 and continue until June 20. They will have to pass exams in five subjects (four mandatory and one at choice): in mathematics (algebra and analysis) - a written exam, in the language of instruction - an essay, in the history of Kyrgyzstan - an oral exam, in the Kyrgyz language (for schools with Russian, Uzbek and Tajik languages ​​of instruction) or Russian language (for schools with Kyrgyz language of instruction) - a comprehensive written test that includes check of the functional grammar and vocabulary, reading and understanding of the text, listening and writing.
Senior students will be able to choose geometry, physics, chemistry, biology, geography, a foreign language, man and society / introduction to economics, computer science as a subject at choice.
The ministry added that the written examinations in mathematics are held in accordance with the level of complexity of the education program.
Exams in physical education will be held for students of the 9th and 11th grades from May 15 to May 24, 2019 in non-school hours.

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